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Where do you want to be in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years?

If you continue to repeat what you do today, will you be there?

Are you living your best life, are you happy, content, feeling a passion and purpose in your life? Are you living to your best abilities and wishes?


If yes, amazing! If not, isn't it time to start?


Time to start to live your life to the fullest. Whatever that may mean for you. It's up to you to fill your life, you and you only.




What you do (or don’t do) today determine where you will be tomorrow, in 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years.


Nothing happens overnight. From one day to the other, you might not notice the change. Then, imagine if you make small and consistent changes, will that create a change in your life in 6 months, 1 year, 5 years....?


The habits you repeat (or don't repeat) every day determines your health, wealth and happiness.


Do you expect your physical body to be fit, healthy and strong after 1 hour at the gym, or 1 day?  Of course, you don’t. You know it’s a step-by-step process and where many variables are at play. You also might know by keeping your physical body healthy and strong that the rewards from it will show in other areas of your life too. All processes are as such.


The habits you repeat (or don't repeat) every day determines your health, wealth and happiness.


Maybe you are not even clear on what you want, thus don't even know where to start?

Maybe you tried starting a new behaviour many times, just to stop a day, one week or two weeks in? Maybe you at times even managed to keep it up for a month or two to then stop. Often at these moments, it's because we don't know how to break the old and create a new behaviour, we set the aim too high or too low, or we run completely on willpower. Willpower is great, but it's just 1 ingredient. To really create the habits and behaviour we wish to have, we need more than 1 ingredient.


The habits you repeat (or don't repeat) every day determines your health, wealth and happiness.


Welcome to - Master Your Habits



In this course you will learn to;


  • Break your old habits.

  • Make good habits life-long lasting

  • How to continue after falls and setbacks.

  • Follow through on your goals.

    HOW? You will learn to;

  • Identify which habits are limiting you today, how and why.

  • Identify which habits to adopt for your best interest, how and why.

  • Change your view and belief about yourself and your habits.

  • Adopt and adapt the belief and habits you are seeking to attain.

  • Take action and set up new habits that benefit you and your life.

  • Understanding WHY it can be so challenging to break old draining habits.

    & more....


  • Group Healing Sessions (various proven methods to release old habits & limitations & adopt the new).

  • Learn about Momentum & how to Follow through on your Goals.

  • Learn about Neuroplasticity and the Subconscious Mind.

  • Celebrate your Wins.


When does the course start?

The course starts on 31st January, and  ends on the 28th of February.


How much time do I need to set aside for the course?

As always, the more effort you put in, the greater rewards you'll reap, and as well as it's highly individual depending on what your goals are. But for a reference, count on at least 20 - 30 min each day for the course material.

Then, we will have a minimum of 2 live healing sessions. Live recap and questions once a week. And, I will always be available and communicate through chat during the whole course.


Where is the course?

It is an online group course. The platform we will be using is Discord & Zoom.


Do I need anything additional to the course?

- You need a journal, besides that, everything is covered within the course (of course, if the new habit you wish to attain requires any material, please make sure you have what you need before the course starts).


How much does it cost?

- It is a sliding scale, between 50-150 €. Meaning the cost is anything between that range which you decide. This is to allow a wider range of participants regardless of financial situation. Please note; if  you currently are financially constrained, do get in touch for a discussion of reduced care costs.


I still have questions. Who do I contact?

You can contact me at

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