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Natural: It is a comfortable condition of deep relaxation, increased awareness, and inner focus.


Daily occurrence: Daydreaming, "losing" yourself in a movie or book, or driving home from work on auto-pilot are all examples of the state of mind called hypnosis.


Hypnosis is really self-hypnosis: You can enter hypnosis on command if you want to. At any time, if you want to emerge from the hypnotic state, regardless of the reason, you will open your eyes and become fully alert.


Everyone can be hypnotised: Some are very open and receptive to hypnosis at will, and for others, it requires a little bit of training.


• Energy & healing boost: Seven minutes of hypnosis are equal to one hour of deep sleep.


There seem to be two main myths about hypnosis: first, that it is unnatural, and second, that it is about losing one's control to someone else. Perhaps these myths have grown in popularity because they are more entertaining to use on stage or in a film; they certainly have a dramatic effect and even make you laugh at times.

Unlike the first myth, however, the state of hypnosis is very comfortable and happens every day. The short period just before we wake up or go to sleep is called theta brain waves, which is a hypnotic state. When we are in this wonderful calming theta state, we are moving deeper beyond our rational and analytical mental mind, and instead, as our brain waves are slowing down, our mind becomes highly relaxed and open. Theta brain waves are considered to be the work of the subconscious mind, which retains memories and feelings and also directs our beliefs and behaviour.

This is also why working directly with the subconscious mind is so highly effective. A hypnotist or hypnotherapist helps the client enter and stay within the hypnotic state and, either through suggestions or therapy, works with the client to heal and transform distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.

Contrary to the second myth, even though we are beyond our analytical and critical mental states in hypnosis, we never lose our awareness or do or say anything that goes against our will or moral beliefs. The conscious mental mind is bypassed, but it is never disconnected. Rather, it can be described as such: during hypnosis, the mental conscious mind is sitting in the far back seat of the bus instead of being in the driver's seat. The deeper the hypnotic state, the further back in the bus the mental conscious mind moves, but it's always there.

Instead of losing control, hypnosis and hypnotherapy are ways to regain true inner control. Freeing yourself from distressing thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, which then allows you to live a more balanced, healthy, and happy life, isn’t that, if anything, the sign of true power, insight, and full control over your life?

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